Call us: 416-924-7799

Location & Hours

Location & Hours

Public Transit

St Clair Subway Station, take the Pleasant Boulevard exit, turn right out of the station and walk to Yonge Street, turn left and walk south on the east side of Yonge to the first traffic lights at the Yonge & Rosehill Intersection and cross to the west side of Yonge the Balmoral Medical Arts Building is 5m south.


The map below shows the recommended Green P municipal parking garage off Rosehill Avenue. Street parking is difficult to find on Farnham Avenue and Balmoral Avenue.


1366 Yonge Street, Suite 408, Toronto ON M4T 3A7

Office Hours

Monday 8.30-12.30 1.30-5.00
Tuesday 8.30-12.30 1.30-5.00
Wednesday 8.30-12.30 1.30-5.00
Thursday 8.30-12.30 1.30-5.00
Friday 8.30-12.30


Evening appointments from 5.00-8.00 available 6-10 evenings a year as part of the On-Call group

Tel: 1-416-924-7799 | Fax: 1-416-924-8243
E-mail: use the appointment button below to contact us.